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CESKY IPTV ve Švýcarsku

swissjonas (2)|8.9.2015 09:31
Hello Together
Im sorry im not able to speak Czech, my girlfirend who lives now with me here would like to see some Czech TV channels
Is there a possiblility to catch TV channel in Switzerland?
There is but there we miss NOVA

for your answers

RoPo (6061)|8.9.2015 14:30
Try install a satelite dish and watch TV station Nova via DVB-S. You buy DVB-S a receiver and pay subscription smart card for example from, Or try IPTV from
swissjonas (2)|8.9.2015 15:47
Thanks for this Answer
About SAT i was informed but this new idea with O2TV sounds great, i will go on with this idea


and if someone has next idea please let me know
RoPo (6061)|8.9.2015 19:08
[QUOTE=swissjonas;515818]new idea with O2TV sounds great[/QUOTE]

Yes, the company O2 offers IPTV separately (it is new for this year) from landline.